Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Pretty in Ink: Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be, will be... What a wonderful song. While it does not imply that we should throw caution to the wind and say, not study for finals ('tis the season), it is a nice reminder to stop wasting time dwelling on future uncertainties. Do your best and the rest will come.
In true perfectionist fashion, I began to get frustrated with the gold paint splotches that were not a part of my original vision... Until I realized that frustration was entirely hypocritical to my quote of choice. Go figure. Simply another reminder to laugh it off and not take every detail quite so seriously. But in all reality, as finals loom and holiday shopping ensues, keep it low key.
I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving, and good luck to everyone taking finals. Breathe, de-stress a little, and go make some coffee (or take a nap? Your choice). Stay healthy, stay happy, and find your zen.
Let the exams begin, and may the curve be ever in your favor.
Much love,
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Fresh Faced & Ready to Go!
It's that time of year again. While the approaching holidays are a time for celebration and love, the transition of the season also marks time to study for finals, register for upcoming classes, and on top of all of the chaos and stress, the change in weather tends to be hard on your skin. Personally, I have the most skin trouble when the weather starts to cool down; it tends to dry out and break out simultaneously *yuck*.
Have no fear, though! There are a few things you can do to minimize the issues at hand (face?). Of course there are the basic rules of taking your makeup off, washing your face twice a day, and moisturizing, but often overlooked is the extremely helpful routine use of masks. They may be an extra step often reserved for a pampering night, but I promise your skin will thank you. Here is a quick rundown on a few of my favorite types of masks.
*Disclaimer: Much like over washing your face can do more harm than good, so can the overuse of masks. While using them a couple of times a week is beneficial, don't go overboard and use them every day! These are intensified treatments for your skin.
Mud Masks// Mud or clay masks are great for drawing the impurities out of your skin. They can be a bit intense and drying though, so definitely don't overdo these. Additionally, you may break out a bit right after using them, but only because all of the collective oil and dirt is brought up to the surface of your skin. Inevitably, these will help to shrink your pores and get a deeper cleanse than your daily cleanser will provide.
2. A slightly more expensive option is the Lush Cosmetics Mask of Magnaminty (applause for the clever word play). This mask feels a bit less harsh to my sensitive skin. It doesn't feel too drying, it also has the note of mint, and it has added ingredients to calm and soothe your skin. As an added bonus, it is mildly exfoliating to get that dry winter skin off! However, this does have an expiration date and needs to be refrigerated.
Exfoliating// To get all of the flaky, dead skin off, exfoliation is key! The buildup of dead skin cells leaves your complexion duller and clogs your pores. Over-exfoliation can also strip your skin, increasing oil production. Again, moderation is necessary.
3. I absolutely love my Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing mask! The charcoal has similar properties to the clay in that it draws the dirt and oil out of your pores, but this particular mask does not feel stripping or drying in the least. The black sugar exfoliates and dissolves as you wash it off. After using this mask, my face feels so soft and healthy. Bonus: this is also a wallet-friendly drugstore product that also doesn't have to sit and dry for very long. This is a go-to product a couple of times a week for me.
4. Of course I also have another Lush favorite for exfoliation. The Love Lettuce face mask is a fantastic option for softening and brightening your skin, while also balancing it. It is more exfoliating than the Mask of Magnaminty, and also possesses calming properties. While this is also a clay mask, it has more impact on the softening and balancing aspects of a mask. This is truly a great all-around product. I used this right before I took my senior pictures, and it made my skin absolutely glow! It wasn't too harsh and didn't make me break out. If you couldn't tell, I love this mask.
Moisturizing// While using a regular moisturizer--or even a heavier nighttime moisturizer, is important--a moisturizing mask can definitely be beneficial to make sure your moisturizer thoroughly sinks in for healthier, happier, and potentially less oily skin.
5. Personally, if I don't use my normal moisturizer, I really enjoy the Korres Greek Yoghurt Sleeping Facial. It is wonderful in the sense that it takes no more time than your regular routine because you sleep in the mask and wash it off in the morning when you cleanse. My face always feels soft and (you guessed it) moisturized in the morning. This is a pricier option, but a little goes a long way. The scent is a little odd, so I would recommend trying a sample from Sephora to see if it works well with your skin and if you can handle the scent before purchasing. On the whole though, I find it extremely useful for my dry, slightly sensitive skin.
As you can tell, I love a good face mask. If you're looking to explore more options, I would definitely recommend taking a trip to your nearest Lush! The representatives are always so informative, and the products are all great quality.
Stay warm and make sure to take care of those pretty faces!
Monday, November 3, 2014
5 Ways to Start Your Morning Off Right
The alarm rings, I groan, trying to justify setting the alarm back just 5, no 10, actually maybe 15 minutes back. Eventually I sigh, roll out of bed, and trudge off to the bathroom, my hair rivaling that of a troll doll. Does this routine sound familiar to you? Unless you're a morning person--in which case I am jealous, and you are much stronger than I.
As painful as waking up and leaving the warm, comfortable, happy space that is bed can be, a good start to the morning can completely change how you feel for the rest of the day. After washing your face and brushing your teeth, here are a few things that will help start you off on the right foot!
1) Make yourself a drink// And no, I do not mean of the alcoholic variety--it's too early for that. Whether it's coffee, tea, or a smoothie, the extra few minutes it takes to prepare your beverage of choice is extremely worth the benefits. You will thank yourself later.
2) Take a few minutes to yourself// Regroup your tired brain by sitting for 5 minutes in silence to do whatever you want. Check social media, read emails, check out new online sales, or maybe even read the news. Whatever you want to just sit and do while you wait for your coffee/tea/smoothie to start working.
3) Organize your day// Take a few minutes to outline the assignments, appointments, and miscellaneous activities you need to accomplish for the day. This process will put you in the frame of mind to get started, and it will also help your prioritize where to begin.
4) Be grateful// A new day, a new opportunity to do something amazing. Think about something you're excited to do (even if that something is to take a nap in approximately 4 hours... Kidding. Kind of.) today! Send someone a quick text to say good morning to let them know you were thinking of them--mom, dad, grandparents, best friend, whoever.
5) Put on your lipstick and check your smile at the door// This one is pretty self explanatory.
Happy Monday, lovelies! I hope you all have had a wonderful day so far.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Pretty in Ink: Confessions to Self
Just stop. Pause for a moment to step away from the list of things to do and things to perfect and things you wish you would have done differently. Stop worrying because you can't predict out the outcome of every single action or plan out exactly where you will be 10 years, 10 months, 10 days, or even 10 minutes from now. Not to say that we shouldn't maintain a set of goals and aspirations, but the future is not a promise. Life is constantly changing, whether it's because you directly made certain decisions or you indirectly found yourself in a situation. Sometimes you can come to a realization that entirely alters the path you thought you were on, and that can be scary. But guess what? It will be okay.
Lately, I've been on the verge of making a very big life change. I've realized that what I thought I wanted doesn't make me happy, and I'm not sure that it'll be worth all of the insanity and stress in the end because in the end, it's not my passion. I am absolutely terrified coming to the realization that I went from having one set course for so long, and now I kind of know what I want, but I have had absolutely no time to plan how to move forward with it. But with that token, how much worse would it be to end up resenting my decisions and wondering "what if"?
In the wise words of a good friend, "You're neurotic, but you aren't that neurotic."
In all reality, type A people such as myself probably especially struggle with this, but no matter who you are, taking a leap of faith can be scary and uncomfortable. If your gut is telling you something though, there is probably a good reason. Do what is best for you long term, including mentally and emotionally. Take the time to evaluate payoffs. Most importantly, know yourself and love yourself. Someone else can't always call the shots for you; make your time count. It's impossible to do everything, so keep in mind what is really necessary and worthwhile.
Stay happy, stay healthy, and keep on hustlin' as always!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Back in Session: Fall in Line
It's the beginning of September, so you know what that means... fall is coming (yay!) and school is back in for most students. Back to school shopping is one of my favorite times of the year. I love fall clothes, coffee, and most of all, school supplies--I know, weird. Something about cute paper goods and colorful pens warms my heart, right up there next to a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. No shame. Here are a few of my essentials to start off the semester in tip-top shape!
1) Fresh Start A cute coffee mug goes a long way. Here's a really cute Audrey Hepburn mug that I'm loving!
2) Best Dressed Places like TJ Maxx or even Target are great to find bags to carry your books in! Also, Sole Society has a great selection of smoking loafers (obsessed with these), and they also have some really cute totes in. A great one-stop shopping trip!
3) Busy Bee I generally find my cute notebooks from (you guessed it) TJ Maxx! I can't help myself in the stationery isle. The Kate Spade Gold Dots planner is also definitely on my wishlist, and incidentally matches my other notebooks.
4) Study Hours Most of these items are pretty basic, but my pencil case is actually a makeup bag from Charming Charlie. They don't have the same one in stock anymore, but I love using inexpensive clutches or makeup bags as pencil cases because they tend to be roomier, cuter, and also easily cleaned.
What are some of your back to school favorites?
2) Best Dressed Places like TJ Maxx or even Target are great to find bags to carry your books in! Also, Sole Society has a great selection of smoking loafers (obsessed with these), and they also have some really cute totes in. A great one-stop shopping trip!
3) Busy Bee I generally find my cute notebooks from (you guessed it) TJ Maxx! I can't help myself in the stationery isle. The Kate Spade Gold Dots planner is also definitely on my wishlist, and incidentally matches my other notebooks.
4) Study Hours Most of these items are pretty basic, but my pencil case is actually a makeup bag from Charming Charlie. They don't have the same one in stock anymore, but I love using inexpensive clutches or makeup bags as pencil cases because they tend to be roomier, cuter, and also easily cleaned.
What are some of your back to school favorites?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Bold Prints, Bolder Bricks: Street Walking, Blake Lively Inspired Hair, & More
Recently, I had a friend in town (hence the slacking on posts, oops), and one afternoon we took a trip down to the Miami Design District. The artwork is amazing: block after block of vibrant, graffiti-covered walls. It was almost surreal.
Dressed in our bold boho prints, this outdoor gallery made the perfect backdrop for my latest Style post.
We both opted for flowy, breathable outfits (it was a new level of scorching outside) with fun prints. Paired with cute sandals, and we were ready to go!
I have a new-found love for jumpsuits. I didn't know that they even came in such short sizes, but I found one that was the perfect length for me at the Saks Off 5th sale! They're so easy and comfortable to wear, and they make my legs actually look kind of long. Unheard of.
Another easy summertime favorite is this Blake Lively inspired braid.
I used a large barreled curling iron to achieve a bit of wave and body. Then I pulled back half of my hair and braided it to one side. Super easy for second day hair! (Please excuse the mid-blink.) The half-braided look carried over perfectly to the rest of the afternoon spent at the beach: hair out of my face, but still partly down so I could feel like I was taking advantage of the body my hair mustered up from the sea water.
Also, I found a little sidewalk inspiration.
Dressed in our bold boho prints, this outdoor gallery made the perfect backdrop for my latest Style post.
A healthy dose of goofing around is good for the soul. |
I have a new-found love for jumpsuits. I didn't know that they even came in such short sizes, but I found one that was the perfect length for me at the Saks Off 5th sale! They're so easy and comfortable to wear, and they make my legs actually look kind of long. Unheard of.
Another easy summertime favorite is this Blake Lively inspired braid.
I used a large barreled curling iron to achieve a bit of wave and body. Then I pulled back half of my hair and braided it to one side. Super easy for second day hair! (Please excuse the mid-blink.) The half-braided look carried over perfectly to the rest of the afternoon spent at the beach: hair out of my face, but still partly down so I could feel like I was taking advantage of the body my hair mustered up from the sea water.
Also, I found a little sidewalk inspiration.
And with that, I bid you adieu! I hope you're all having a great week.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Pretty in Ink: Choosing to Sink or Swim
Life doesn't always go the way we plan. It isn't some simple, straightforward equation; it's messy. There are unexpected ups, downs, and the crazy twists and turns in between. More than anything, though, it's an experience. What's the good in having a routinely planned life with nothing to challenge you or to sweep you off of your feet only to show you something more wonderful than you ever imagined?
Sometimes, the only option is--please excuse the cheesy pun--to sink or swim. "Enjoy the ride" doesn't quite seem to cut it: some experiences aren't meant to be enjoyed. There are times for laughter and fun, but there are also times for pain and healing. The important part is knowing that there are bits and pieces to be picked up from each new adventure.
This whole past summer has been a whirlwind for me. My plans for jobs and internships didn't work out the way I initially wanted, while some other really amazing opportunities ended up presenting themselves, leaving behind memories I will never forget. More often than not, I dwell on the "ideal" direction I want to go in and end up in a completely different direction. Take my school for example. I was absolutely set on ending up at one, and I was crushed when it was the only one I wasn't accepted in to. The school I ended up going to though? It was never even on my radar until I got an invitation to apply for free. Quite honestly, I never even visited until my orientation (I know, crazy). Now I feel crazy for having ever even considered going somewhere else. Tulane is my home. I am in love with New Orleans. I know I'm where I'm meant to be.
That's the funny thing about life. Things have a knack of working out somehow. So embrace it, take what you can out of each and every day, and don't be too afraid to venture out of your comfort zone.
Much love,
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Beauty on a Budget: Top 10 Under $10
Girl on a budget? No problem. I, like many of you, am like a child in a
candy shop when I walk into Sephora, Ulta, or any store carrying makeup for that matter,
and my wallet does not appreciate it. The good news is that there are
several more affordable products in the drugstore sector that don't
sacrifice quality. While I still love my NARS blushes and MAC lipsticks,
I don't always need to spend a fortune to get a quality product that I
1// e.l.f. Eyebrow Kit- Medium
My relationship with my eyebrows is a constant struggle (particularly with the left one; it does some crazy things). The underlying shapes are fine, but my actual eyebrow hair is thin and somewhat sparse; without filling my brows in, I feel like my face is bald. Eyebrows are SO important for framing your face, and I love using this product to fill them in. I love that the gel is smooth to apply, unlike pencils that can pull brow hair out, and tends to hold my brows in place better due to the waxy formula. However, for a bit more of a natural look or simply to set the wax, I like that it also comes with a powder on the right side.
*I personally like the trend of more sculpted brows, but I find that a lot of girls apply their products with a heavier hand than is my personal preference. Here is my favorite video of how to fill in brows--while I use less product, this is my favorite quick, easy technique.
2// L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes-Blackest Black
This product is wonderful. It separates lashes to keep them clump free while making them--and keeping them--fabulous all day. Spending money on high end mascara is definitely not a requisite to get great lashes.
3// Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner- Blackest Black
Firstly, I love the versatility of gel liner: it can be smudged out for a smokey effect, or drawn as a sharper line similar to that of liquid liner (best set with an eyeshadow to keep it in place). This particular liner is easy to apply, and is buildable enough to range from more of a charcoal color to black on its own.
Speaking of color range, here's a tip: when setting your liner to keep budge-proof, you can use whatever color of shadow you want. I use all sorts of colors, like gunmetal, dark brown, or even gold for a unique layered effect.
4// e.l.f. Studio Under Eye Concealer- Glow/Fair
I cannot say enough about this product. If I have one thing that I put on my face (aside from mascara, of course), this is it. It is the perfect brightening concealer for under my eyes and on my lids. It's not too cakey for the eye area *gross*, and it's a bit lighter than the rest of my face, which gives a brightening contour effect without being crazy and unnaturally white (Sorry, Kim K). The highlighter portion can be used sparingly if the under-eye area is especially dark, but I mainly use it as a browbone highlight and in the inner corners of my eyes. It leaves me fresh faced without looking overdone.
Disclaimer: I don't really have bad dark circles, so I'm not sure how well it works if yours are severe.
5// L'Oreal Colour Riche Lipstick- Fairest Nude
As a staple nude color, this lipstick isn't too flesh-colored or too pink. It's perfect on it's own or with any color of gloss on top. It's easy to apply and low maintenance; everyone needs a go-to neutral lipstick.
6// Nyx Cosmetics Butter Gloss- Strawberry Parfait AND L'Oreal Le Gloss- Baby Blossom
Okay, I think I've mentioned in several posts my obsession with lip products. So, naturally, I couldn't choose between my favorite glosses... hence, a tie. The Nyx gloss is very creamy, as the name implies, and not sticky at all. The pigmentation is great--it can be worn alone and show up as a pop of beautiful pink, or worn over a lipstick. For a more toned down color, it's great over Fairest nude.
Baby Blossom is the only color I've tried from the Le Gloss line, but it makes me want to try more. Also not too sticky, it applies smoothly and with a nice wash of more subtle color. It is great for toning down lipsticks or adding a tinge of pink. Plus, I'm a sucker for the packaging.
7// Essie's Madison Ave Hue
Admittedly, part of the reason I was drawn to this color was the name, BUT, I am also in love with the color. It's a gorgeous cool pink with a bit of fine sparkle. I feel like this color is unique to a lot of pinks I see on nails, and it's a refreshing pop of color that can still be ladylike, as it isn't too wild or neon. What can I say? The name was simply fate.
8// Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Anti Humidity Hairspray
Great hold, great formula, great finish. It keeps my hair smooth in my Miami/New Orleans habitats without making it crunchy, and it actually does give my hair a shinier finish. A+.
9// Olay Pore Minimizing Cleanser + Scrub
One of the most important parts of any makeup routine is getting it all off at the end of the day. I use this cleanser every night, as the microbeads are gentle enough for daily use, and it leaves my face feeling clean, smooth, and not dehydrated. Bonus: the swirly design in the bottle looks pretty cool.
10// Almay Longwear & Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover Pads
Keeping with the topic of night time routine, eye makeup remover is a necessary evil. I have yet to find one that is quick and entirely simple, but that seems to be the nature of the beast. Though it takes a little patience to remove all of the eye makeup, this product will get it all off. It conveniently has the remover soaked into the prepackaged pads, making the grueling process a step shorter, and because they are so thin, it makes getting all traces of under-eye/lash line smudges easy to reach.
I wear use several of these products on a regular basis, and I don't find that I am missing out on the quality of higher end and higher priced products.
Here are a few pictures of my face today, where I am wearing several of these products, including the mascara, brow product, concealer, lipstick, and the Baby Blossom gloss. Unfortunately, I was out of the hairspray on this extremely muggy day, so my hair was an uncontrollable ball of frizz, not to mention that everything I did to style my hair came undone within 10 minutes--I digress.
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The unfortunate downfall of lip gloss: my hair always ends up in it. |
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All body and curl GONE. Missing my favorite hairspray. |
What are your holy grail products, drugstore and high end?
Much love from a beauty addict,
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Lazy Days
Every once in a while it's wonderful to have a day, or at least an evening, to do nothing but unwind and relax, i.e. to be lazy. Today was certainly all about the TLC for me. For starters, I've been lounging in a robe all day, a.k.a. I've just been living uninterruptedly in my natural habitat. Other items to be reviewed: Playing with new makeup trends (loving the Kylie Jenner lip), drinking copious amounts of hot tea, and enjoying a marathon of Gossip Girl.
*Speaking of Gossip Girl, I've recently started the series, and I know that what I've been lacking in time I make up for with enthusiasm. Obsessed.*
However, I must say that the highlight of my evening was discovering that Funny Face is on Netflix (!!!), and there are few things that I love more than movies with glamorous, iconic actresses--Gone With the Wind is among my favorite movies, after all--and musicals. Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire were darling in this movie. Plus, when the movie started and Maggie, the stylish fashion editor, was singing about making everything pink, I was certainly in my happy place. If you haven't already, you should absolutely go watch it.
As a prelude to the movie, I painted my nails in Revlon's "Fresh Linen" from the Parfumerie collection. It's a great pearly ivory, it just takes patience and three coats to apply. And yes, it does really smell like fresh linen while it's drying. Not to mention, the bottle is adorable.
A few more of my favorite movie-watching and relaxation time include my Anthropologie Voluspa candle in the scent Saijo Persimmon, The Republic of Tea's "Get Gorgeous" red tea, and some cozy lamp light.
Now, off for a nice face scrub and early bedtime. What about your favorite keys to relaxation?
*Speaking of Gossip Girl, I've recently started the series, and I know that what I've been lacking in time I make up for with enthusiasm. Obsessed.*
However, I must say that the highlight of my evening was discovering that Funny Face is on Netflix (!!!), and there are few things that I love more than movies with glamorous, iconic actresses--Gone With the Wind is among my favorite movies, after all--and musicals. Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire were darling in this movie. Plus, when the movie started and Maggie, the stylish fashion editor, was singing about making everything pink, I was certainly in my happy place. If you haven't already, you should absolutely go watch it.
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P.S. Can I have this dress for Formal? |
As a prelude to the movie, I painted my nails in Revlon's "Fresh Linen" from the Parfumerie collection. It's a great pearly ivory, it just takes patience and three coats to apply. And yes, it does really smell like fresh linen while it's drying. Not to mention, the bottle is adorable.
Now, off for a nice face scrub and early bedtime. What about your favorite keys to relaxation?
Monday, July 7, 2014
Barbecues, Beaches, Bikinis, Oh My!
Hello lovelies! I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend; I know I did! We had guests in town, and it was a blast. We went to the park, ate great food, and visited the beach.
I changed clothes more times than I'd like to admit that day, but the opportunities presented themselves, and who was I to deny fate? Though these outfits were fitting for the occasion, they're still great for relaxed summer days at a barbecue, at the beach, or just around town shopping. Here are a few snapshots of my weekend adventures and some favorite casual styles.
A classic sibling photo-op: nobody is looking in the same direction, and Coco is trying to break free of her festive bonds.
But alas, I managed to keep her in her shirt that *coincidentally* matched me for long enough to take this picture.
On the beach I was loving this piece I got last year from Ralph Lauren that is unfortunately no longer available (especially since I managed to drape it over recently stained outdoor furniture... which was not done drying. Tragic.), but here is a tunic that offers an entire beach cover-up rather than just the top half in a similar material. Paired with some favorite cut-off denim shorts and my polka dotted bikini, I was ready to go!
Side note: I fulfilled my lifelong dream of becoming a mermaid. The sand covering my top half unfortunately kept cracking, so I settled for just the tail.
Another favorite? Fireworks. They're like a bright, loud handful of glitter being thrown into the sky. Sorry I haven't quite figured out how to get great shots of fireworks (feel free to leave suggestions in the comments).
Well that concludes my holiday style favorites. If you have any casual summer staples, post them below! Any favorite holiday memories?
I changed clothes more times than I'd like to admit that day, but the opportunities presented themselves, and who was I to deny fate? Though these outfits were fitting for the occasion, they're still great for relaxed summer days at a barbecue, at the beach, or just around town shopping. Here are a few snapshots of my weekend adventures and some favorite casual styles.
A classic sibling photo-op: nobody is looking in the same direction, and Coco is trying to break free of her festive bonds.
But alas, I managed to keep her in her shirt that *coincidentally* matched me for long enough to take this picture.
I'm kind of loving the matching red lips, belt, and clutch combo because they're all small accents. Maybe it was a bit matchy-matchy, but it was the 4th of July after all. One thing is for sure though, this Stila lip glaze in Strawberry has been a go-to for years. It's the perfect glossy red.
And of course a cheesy salute was necessary in honor of the land that I love.
This combination of a gingham button down, lightweight daisy-lace shorts (similar), and a cute belt is so classic (and SO easy) for a casual day of hanging out with family and friends.
Side note: I fulfilled my lifelong dream of becoming a mermaid. The sand covering my top half unfortunately kept cracking, so I settled for just the tail.
Another favorite? Fireworks. They're like a bright, loud handful of glitter being thrown into the sky. Sorry I haven't quite figured out how to get great shots of fireworks (feel free to leave suggestions in the comments).
Well that concludes my holiday style favorites. If you have any casual summer staples, post them below! Any favorite holiday memories?
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Pretty in Ink: Sparkle and Shine
Aside from all of her exciting stories and wonderful sense of humor and aside from the glamor, her most notable quality was her big heart and unfailing kindness toward all people. Friends, family, and new acquaintances alike, she was always there as a shoulder to lean on or to offer a helping hand. These qualities--not beautiful clothes, perfect lipstick, or artfully coiffed locks--are the bits of sparkle left behind and remembered by all.
I can only aspire to one day live up to the legacy of such an amazing lady. While that beautiful lipstick or chic new dress may put a little extra pep in my step on the way to my destination, I hope to have that extra sparkle of a positive attitude and a kind heart to contribute to the world.
Never forget what (and who) is important, and always remember that we all have our own personal brands of sparkle. So throw on your signature accessory and take on the day with a smile.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Something about a new desktop wallpaper makes me feel refreshed and geared up to accomplish a new set of tasks. I prefer more simple, clean designs that prompt me to organize the files on my screen. So much of my time is spent on my computer that it's nice to have a clean and orderly, background to look at. Here are a few of my favorite desktop wallpapers!
My favorite motivational word of 2014 is 'hustle'. I like the reminder to work hard so I can play hard... Or lay in bed and enjoy a Netflix binge. I'm not too difficult to please.
So elegant and simple. I'm swooning. This is my current wallpaper!
Often times, I need a reminder to take a deep breath and stop over thinking. No need to stress! And who could be stressed out with such a pretty design? I'm a sucker for gold script.
I actually used this background and added a shape and monogram from PicMonkey. I love that the colors, shapes, and fonts are completely customizable. To make one of your own, just download any background that suits your fancy, choose the 'Design' option on PicMonkey, and create away!
My feelings regarding this design? Obsessed. Simple white background, scripty gold font, and coffee... I couldn't ask for much more. This was actually my wallpaper during first semester finals when I drank an other-worldly amount of coffee to keep me semi-functional. No shame. The link to the site I originally got this from is no longer working, but here's a link to the image so you can save it!
The quote for this one says it all. Reach for the stars, but realize that a goal without hard work isn't worth much more than a daydream.
This one definitely makes me think of summer, but with such a happy color and meaning, it's even perfect for the cold winter blues.
What do you do to keep yourself motivated and organized? Leave a comment below and let me know!
Friday, June 27, 2014
Style Edition: Feeling Dottie
I adore my Express Portofino shirt (they don't have the long sleeve black with white polka dots anymore, but here is the reverse! And they do have it in a sleeveless shirt that I must check into ASAP.) It is so flattering, lightweight, classic, and it can be dressed up or down. I am definitely guilty of over-wearing it because anytime I can't decide what to wear, it's an easy choice when I'm crunched for time. From interviews to afternoons shopping at the Bay, it's perfect.
As for the shorts, I can't get enough of scalloped hemlines. Who says shorts can't be dressy? (Similar in pink (!!!).)
Since the mostly black ensemble isn't exactly bright and summery, my Kate Spade crossbody adds the perfect pop of color.
But my actual favorite part? My puppy, Coco. Look at that puppy smile (or, more likely, pant)! She is a bit of a diva and an attention hog, but she's just too cute to resist.
PS. SERIOUSLY, check these trees out!! So. Cool.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 20, 2014
Tropical Breeze
I don't know if it's just the spirit of Summer getting to me or if
it's the Miami influence, but I am loving all sorts of tropical prints
right now. From flamingos to palm trees, I'm obsessed.
Here are a few of my most wanted items right now:
And of course, the big pineapple moment that's happening:
Since the pineapple prints are trending so much, here's my DIY print for my magnet board. Organization, monograms, pineapples, and pink: a few of my absolute favorites! All you'll need are pink, yellow, and green markers, a gold paint pen, ribbon, hot glue, a magnet, and some card stock. Mod Podge is optional if you'd prefer a shiny finish!
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Flamingo Skirt |
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Flamingo Studs |
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Kate Spade Phone Case |
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Lilly Planner (I used to have the flamingo print!) |
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Tropical Bikini |
And of course, the big pineapple moment that's happening:
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Pineapple Bikini |
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Adorable Pineapple Print |
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Pineapple Studs |
Let me know if you have any DIY prints and what your favorite summer trends are in the comments below!
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