Okay, so I am a bit of an obsessive avid list writer. I use them for absolutely everything—from prioritizing schoolwork to cleaning to “productively” procrastinating, you name it, there’s a stylized, color-coded list just waiting to be checked off. My favorite list, however, has recently become a list of daily reminders.
Sometimes, it’s good to take a step back and realize what simple habits need to be integrated into your daily routine. Here is a list of my top 10 things to self-improve:
One//Wash face twice every day
This one should go without saying, but expectation and reality do not always go hand in hand. It can be so easy to convince myself that I’ll be fine if I go to sleep without washing my makeup off “just this once”. Wrong. Pick yourself up, walk to the bathroom, and wash your face. Your skin will thank you.
This one has been getting a lot of buzz. Sunscreen can seem like a hassle of an extra step in a daily routine, but taking care of your skin is important! Not only can excessive UV exposure cause skin cancer, but it is also a culprit of premature wrinkling. The best remedy for a youthful complexion down the road is prevention, not reaction, ladies. At a certain point, the damage can’t be undone.
Three//Swipe on some lipstick
Who doesn’t love a little extra color? Lipstick automatically brightens my mood. It makes me feel pretty, put together, and ready to take on the day!
Four// Do at least one creative thing
It is so easy to get bogged down with the mundane, day-to-day tasks. Even ten to fifteen minutes of inspiring myself (Pinterest, anyone?) and doing something creative as a break can be a great stress reliever. We all need a pause from the ordinary once in a while! Maintain some balance, loves.
Five//Perk up & have a cup of coffee!
I might have a little bit of an addiction to coffee. It’s warm, it’s delicious, and it helps me focus. It makes me feel like I’m prepared to get down to business, and it makes me happy, okay?
Six// Straighten up (your posture)
Confidence, positive presentation of yourself, and back + core health. Next.
Seven//Smile more, complain less
Pretty self-explanatory, but chill out and enjoy the ride. Nobody enjoys a Debbie Downer.
Eight// Remember to be grateful
Personally, I take so many aspects of my day to day life for granted. I am surrounded by wonderful, supportive people, I have so many amazing opportunities within arm’s reach, and my life is full of blessings not afforded to many. Don’t forget to zoom out your focus and think about all that you have to be thankful for. You’ll be happier, and in turn, so will those around you.
Nine// Indulge a little
Take a bubble bath, enjoy an episode of your favorite TV show, paint your nails, do whatever it is that helps you unwind a bit. I’m a firm believe that a certain amount of TLC each day is necessary to maintain sanity.
Currently my favorite little indulgence is burning this fabulous candle from Anthropologie (and check out the cute little match box my mom made for me!)
Ten// Say “I love you”
Often overlooked, but don’t forget to remind those closest to you how much they mean. Regardless of petty arguments or a hectic day, don’t forget to let your mom, dad, puppy, annoying younger brother, best friend, or whoever else that you love them.
I ended up attaching this list to the inside of my new cream and gold journal from TJ Maxx (that will coordinate beautifully with the Kate SpadePlanner I want for the upcoming school year). I’m in love with it. The first page came with a quote printed on it: “Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
Fingers crossed that seeing these reminders regularly will make an impact on my daily habits.
I hope you liked my list! These are just my personal suggestions; make sure to tailor your list to your specific needs. Let me know what your ideas are and comment below!
All the best,