Life doesn't always go the way we plan. It isn't some simple, straightforward equation; it's messy. There are unexpected ups, downs, and the crazy twists and turns in between. More than anything, though, it's an experience. What's the good in having a routinely planned life with nothing to challenge you or to sweep you off of your feet only to show you something more wonderful than you ever imagined?
Sometimes, the only option is--please excuse the cheesy pun--to sink or swim. "Enjoy the ride" doesn't quite seem to cut it: some experiences aren't meant to be enjoyed. There are times for laughter and fun, but there are also times for pain and healing. The important part is knowing that there are bits and pieces to be picked up from each new adventure.
This whole past summer has been a whirlwind for me. My plans for jobs and internships didn't work out the way I initially wanted, while some other really amazing opportunities ended up presenting themselves, leaving behind memories I will never forget. More often than not, I dwell on the "ideal" direction I want to go in and end up in a completely different direction. Take my school for example. I was absolutely set on ending up at one, and I was crushed when it was the only one I wasn't accepted in to. The school I ended up going to though? It was never even on my radar until I got an invitation to apply for free. Quite honestly, I never even visited until my orientation (I know, crazy). Now I feel crazy for having ever even considered going somewhere else. Tulane is my home. I am in love with New Orleans. I know I'm where I'm meant to be.
That's the funny thing about life. Things have a knack of working out somehow. So embrace it, take what you can out of each and every day, and don't be too afraid to venture out of your comfort zone.
Much love,
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