
Sunday, January 5, 2014

2013: A Year to Remember

           Over the course of the last year, I have become increasingly aware of how quickly time passes. It has been the most eventful year of my life, though it seemed to have come and gone all too quickly. It was a hectic year of tying up loose ends with school (that final stretch of IB testing before graduation lasted for-EV-er),  making the final decisions of what school to commit to,  graduating, working, and finally beginning my freshman semester at Tulane University. Meanwhile, my family began their own adventure as they moved to Miami (hello, winter paradise).
Among all of the chaotic changes and new experiences I feel as though I’ve grown immensely. While at times I encountered frustrating new hurdles, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Perhaps I haven’t made a definite decision about what I want to do for the rest of my life, exactly what I want to get involved in next semester, or even what I want to wear tomorrow, but that’s A-okay. Right now I am still growing and figuring out my bearings in a brand new world. The important part is to keep working hard and moving forward, and the rest will come in time.
“2014: A new year, a new me” is a slogan that I’ve come across frequently over the past month or so. However, with such a host of new experiences from the recently ended 2013, I feel as though I cannot simply disregard them and completely begin afresh. In order to make 2014 the best year yet, it is necessary to reflect on the old and build upward off an established foundation. Here are the top five takeaways from 2013 that I plan on carrying into the new year:

  1.   “Good things come to those who hustle”: Quote of the year. That internship you want? The stellar GPA you want? Wanting to get inspired or to try something new? The success only comes from putting in the effort.  Your dream life doesn’t just fall out of the sky and neatly into your lap. Get up and get going! Though laying in bed and allowing Pinterest to become a black hole for all of your productive time may sound much more appealing than reading about thermochemistry (guilty…), you may regret it when you finally end up taking those notes the week that you have an exam on the material. 
  2.   “In life, you either succeed or you learn”: So you didn’t quite get that GPA you wanted or you didn’t end up enjoying the concert committee you signed up for as much as you thought you would. Or maybe you did. As long as you can appreciate what you got out of your experience and adjust your course from there, there is no such thing as failing. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and persevere. 
  3.   Sometimes peace is more important than always being right: No matter where you go or what you do, it is impossible to please everyone. Inevitably, you will come across someone you don’t quite click with. Whether they may be a coworker, a classmate, or a sibling, disagreements are bound to arise. However, there comes a point at which it is necessary to know a person for who they are and to recognize that not everyone sees things like you. Pick and choose your battles. It’s not always worth the argument.
  4. Whether you like it or not, life keeps moving: Roll with the punches, sweetheart. “Prepared” may not be the immediate feeling when life throws its hurdles at you, but happiness is a choice! Change what you can, and work with what you can’t. Make yourself proud, and carpe diem. Work hard and be kind; you never know what’s coming next.
  5.  Own it: Own your mistakes, own your triumphs. Be confident, but temper the confidence with humility and compassion. How you treat others speaks volumes of your character. Own your attitude and own your decisions.  Be comfortable in your own skin. Your life and your future are yours for the taking.

I’m looking forward to making 2014 my best year yet. Ready or not, here I come! I hope everyone has had a great first week of the year, and I wish for more in the future. What are some of your top  mantras to keep in mind for the coming year?

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