
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Beat the Heat: Best of Summer Beauty (Pt. I)

Bring on the pool parties, beaches, and barbecues! But first, you've got to do your most basic preparation: making sure your skin is healthy and beautiful. Gone are the days of heavy coats and scarves, as are the days of heavy creams. Summer calls for a lighter, more refreshing skincare regimen. Get your summer glow on with some of these skincare essentials!

1// Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser
Personally, I have fairly sensitive combination skin. This cleanser doesn't irritate or dry my skin, but it still feels like it really cleans my skin. I've experimented with a world of different cleansers, but I always come back to this one.

2// Simple Soothing Facial Toner
Toner might be an often overlooked or controversial step for those without oily skin, but it is so important! Toner restores the natural pH of your skin after exposure to all sorts of dirt, oil, and pollutants. It can even help with redness or other sensitive skin ailments, you just have to know what to look for. This particular toner is alcohol free and water-based, so it won't dry out your skin. It also contains chamomile extract and panthenol, which are both great ingredients to help your skin retain moisture and prevent your makeup from looking cakey.

3// Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion
 For whatever reason, I definitely prefer this to the Cetaphil Daily Moisturizer. The moisturizer seemed a bit heavy and didn't absorb with a finish I liked (quite honestly it sometimes even stung my skin at times). However, this lotion is for all skin types and it's lightweight, perfect for summer. Heavier creams can cause breakouts when you sweat more, and even though it's advertised as a lotion, it's non-comedogenic and fragrance free, so it shouldn't break your face out.

4// St. Ives Green Tea Scrub
This product does double duty as an exfoliant and a blackhead treatment. I don't use it every night because I don't want to dry my skin out, but I use this 2-3 times a week. The green tea extracts are gentle and actually calm redness, which is always a concern with my skin. The reason this is perfect for nighttime especially is because it removes your dead skin cells right before bed, and when you sleep your skin heals and repairs itself.

5// Freeman Cucumber Peel-Off & Dead Sea Masks
Both masks are featured here because a) I can go on about different masks forever (See Fresh Faced & Ready to Go), and b) everyone has different mask needs. I love the Freeman masks because they are both inexpensive and effective. The Cucumber mask is great for clarifying, and will even act as a milder version of a Biore strip when you peel it off. The Dead Sea mask is wonderful for soothing, especially after long days in the sun.

6// Almay Longwear & Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover
I've mentioned this product before in my Top 10 Under $10 post, so it's an oldie but goodie. It really will get everything off without requiring scrubbing and tugging. So no need to panic about encouraging premature wrinkling by taking your makeup off like a good girl... (It can't just be me.)

7// Clarisonic
While there are a host of Clarisonic models to choose from, my pink, polka-dotted Mia 2 is my trusty partner. On the nights I don't use a scrub, I use it with my Cetaphil to deep clean all of the makeup and grime from my skin. However, I only use it at night because using it both morning and night can over-exfoliate your skin. I also use the Sensitive brush head.

8// Coola Mineral Face SPF 30 Matte Tint
I will forever be grateful to Birchbox for introducing me to this product. We all know how important sunscreen is and how easy to forget it can be. The SPF in your makeup doesn't cut it. This mineral sunscreen contains both Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, two crucial sunscreen ingredients to look for. While it is tinted, it doesn't really provide much coverage at all. It does, however, leave the most amazing, soft mineral finish that works as a phenomenal base under your makeup. Home run.

9// Philosophy Pure Grace Satin-Finish Body Oil Mist
We can't forget the rest of our skin in our routine! Once you get out of the shower and you're still just damp, all you have to do is spritz this all over your body, and voila. It's so fast and simple, it smells good, and it keeps your skin soft and hydrated. Thank goodness for an alternative to slathering on cream right out of the shower. YUCK.

And there you have it. That was my summer skincare routine, what's yours? Stay tuned for Part 2, where I'll spill all of the details of my favorite summer makeup. Happy pampering!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Bedside Garden + DIY

Hello and Happy Wednesday! I hope this glittery camel graphic cheers you on as you power through your week.

Aside from my hump-backed friend though, I've found a new hobby: gardening. When I say gardening, I don't mean spending a peaceful afternoon outside with floppy hat and miniature tools (as fabulous as that may sound). My "garden" lives right on my bedside table.

Because an actual pet wasn't an option, I've been exercising my green thumb. In a dorm my resources were fairly limited, so I had to keep it small and preferably simple. Here are a couple of pretty, low-maintenance options to spruce up any space!

It all started with these guys (Christian and Lacroix). Long story short, I was looking for a funny gift for my boyfriend's birthday, and I stumbled across these. As a kid, I was fascinated by Venus Flytraps, so I naturally had to have these. And paint a small portrait of them, obviously.

Whether or not you're into carnivorous plants--potentially useful pest control--an upcycled tea tin is the perfect place for a small plant. Another cute alternative to this could be any variety of herbs! Plus, who doesn't want an excuse to pick out an adorable new tin of tea?

My next target became this little collection of cacti and a succulent. They're colorful, small, and incredibly low maintenance, AKA the perfect new pets for the busy bee.

Initially, I kept them in this cake stand. However, it turned out that the contents were too heavy, and the glass broke: cue temporary distress. After a quick trip to TJ Maxx and an absurd amount of sweeping, voila! A new, much more stable little plant home was created.

The smaller opening made replanting a bit more difficult, but it was manageable. Here are a few tips for creating your own terrarium:

  • Add a layer of small stones at the bottom of your container if it doesn't drain like a conventional pot. This will drain the excess water away from the roots. (But be careful to not get carried away, they get heavy and can take up a lot of room.)
  • Next, cover the stones with a thin layer of potting soil to place the plants on top of.
  • If you're planting in an enclosure with a small opening like this, place the plants in back to front. Pack dirt around each individual plant before moving on to the next.
  • Garnish if you'd like! The stones I had left from the bottom of the container I placed around the top to add more color contrast.  
  • And of course, when you choose to combine different plants in the container, make sure they have compatible needs in terms of light and water.

Though these plants may not wag their tails for me at the door--and they are certainly not cuddly--they bring a fresh breath of air into my space. Next on my list is a little bonsai tree from a local nursery. Any other suggestions? Comment below and let me know ☺


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hit the Ground Running

Hello and good morning to all of your lovely selves! I'm back from my longstanding hiatus, and I come bearing a wallpaper to help motivate you to hit the ground running this week. I don't know about you, but personally, I think that this semester has been the longest, weirdest semester of my life. But fear not, the finish line is fast approaching before the sweet relief of summer.

Maybe you don't roll out of bed beaming, thrilled to sit in a cold auditorium for three hours secretly wanting to bang your head on the desk (if only you had kept up with the "assigned" reading before finals week, am I right?), but that's nothing a good cuppa coffee and determination can't help. It is what it is, and you can only give it your best. Keep your heads high and grind it out!

Through the laughs, tears, love, loss, and everything in between, it's been a hell of a journey. Like any transition period, I've had my share of growing pains. I have learned so much about myself and those I choose to surround myself with, and I don't regret a minute of it. My wish for you all is that you can take your experiences for what they're worth and see the beauty through the ups and the downs. Finals may be stressful, but a number on a piece of paper doesn't define you. What you make of the obstacles and rewards thrown your way define you.

The fight isn't over yet, and it's time to end the semester with a bang--as all fabulous people do.

Fingers crossed and lots of love,


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pretty in Ink: Que Sera Sera

Whatever will be, will be... What a wonderful song. While it does not imply that we should throw caution to the wind and say, not study for finals ('tis the season), it is a nice reminder to stop wasting time dwelling on future uncertainties. Do your best and the rest will come.

In true perfectionist fashion, I began to get frustrated with the gold paint splotches that were not a part of my original vision... Until I realized that frustration was entirely hypocritical to my quote of choice. Go figure. Simply another reminder to laugh it off and not take every detail quite so seriously. But in all reality, as finals loom and holiday shopping ensues, keep it low key.

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving, and good luck to everyone taking finals. Breathe, de-stress a little, and go make some coffee (or take a nap? Your choice). Stay healthy, stay happy, and find your zen.

Let the exams begin, and may the curve be ever in your favor.

Much love,

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fresh Faced & Ready to Go!

It's that time of year again. While the approaching holidays are a time for celebration and love, the transition of the season also marks time to study for finals, register for upcoming classes, and on top of all of the chaos and stress, the change in weather tends to be hard on your skin. Personally, I have the most skin trouble when the weather starts to cool down; it tends to dry out and break out simultaneously *yuck*.

Have no fear, though! There are a few things you can do to minimize the issues at hand (face?). Of course there are the basic rules of taking your makeup off, washing your face twice a day, and moisturizing, but often overlooked is the extremely helpful routine use of masks. They may be an extra step often reserved for a pampering night, but I promise your skin will thank you. Here is a quick rundown on a few of my favorite types of masks.

*Disclaimer: Much like over washing your face can do more harm than good, so can the overuse of masks. While using them a couple of times a week is beneficial, don't go overboard and use them every day! These are intensified treatments for your skin.

Mud Masks// Mud or clay masks are great for drawing the impurities out of your skin. They can be a bit intense and drying though, so definitely don't overdo these. Additionally, you may break out a bit right after using them, but only because all of the collective oil and dirt is brought up to the surface of your skin. Inevitably, these will help to shrink your pores and get a deeper cleanse than your daily cleanser will provide.

1. My favorite classic clay mask is the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. It is the stereotypical green monster mask that leaves your skin feeling smooth and refreshed after use--partly because of the crisp minty scent. Even better? It's budget friendly and easy to find in almost any drugstore.

2. A slightly more expensive option is the Lush Cosmetics Mask of Magnaminty (applause for the clever word play). This mask feels a bit less harsh to my sensitive skin. It doesn't feel too drying, it also has the note of mint, and it has added ingredients to calm and soothe your skin. As an added bonus, it is mildly exfoliating to get that dry winter skin off! However, this does have an expiration date and needs to be refrigerated.

Exfoliating// To get all of the flaky, dead skin off, exfoliation is key! The buildup of dead skin cells leaves your complexion duller and clogs your pores. Over-exfoliation can also strip your skin, increasing oil production. Again, moderation is necessary. 

3.  I absolutely love my Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Polishing mask! The charcoal has similar properties to the clay in that it draws the dirt and oil out of your pores, but this particular mask does not feel stripping or drying in the least. The black sugar exfoliates and dissolves as you wash it off. After using this mask, my face feels so soft and healthy. Bonus: this is also a wallet-friendly drugstore product that also doesn't have to sit and dry for very long. This is a go-to product a couple of times a week for me.

4. Of course I also have another Lush favorite for exfoliation. The Love Lettuce face mask is a fantastic option for softening and brightening your skin, while also balancing it. It is more exfoliating than the Mask of Magnaminty, and also possesses calming properties. While this is also a clay mask, it has more impact on the softening and balancing aspects of a mask. This is truly a great all-around product. I used this right before I took my senior pictures, and it made my skin absolutely glow! It wasn't too harsh and didn't make me break out. If you couldn't tell, I love this mask.

 Moisturizing// While using a regular moisturizer--or even a heavier nighttime moisturizer, is important--a moisturizing mask can definitely be beneficial to make sure your moisturizer thoroughly sinks in for healthier, happier, and potentially less oily skin.

5. Personally, if I don't use my normal moisturizer, I really enjoy the Korres Greek Yoghurt Sleeping Facial. It is wonderful in the sense that it takes no more time than your regular routine because you sleep in the mask and wash it off in the morning when you cleanse. My face always feels soft and (you guessed it) moisturized in the morning. This is a pricier option, but a little goes a long way. The scent is a little odd, so I would recommend trying a sample from Sephora to see if it works well with your skin and if you can handle the scent before purchasing. On the whole though, I find it extremely useful for my dry, slightly sensitive skin.

As you can tell, I love a good face mask. If you're looking to explore more options, I would definitely recommend taking a trip to your nearest Lush! The representatives are always so informative, and the products are all great quality.

Stay warm and make sure to take care of those pretty faces!


Monday, November 3, 2014

5 Ways to Start Your Morning Off Right

The alarm rings, I groan, trying to justify setting the alarm back just 5, no 10, actually maybe 15 minutes back. Eventually I sigh, roll out of bed, and trudge off to the bathroom, my hair rivaling that of a troll doll. Does this routine sound familiar to you? Unless you're a morning person--in which case I am jealous, and you are much stronger than I.

As painful as waking up and leaving the warm, comfortable, happy space that is bed can be, a good start to the morning can completely change how you feel for the rest of the day. After washing your face and brushing your teeth, here are a few things that will help start you off on the right foot!

1) Make yourself a drink// And no, I do not mean of the alcoholic variety--it's too early for that. Whether it's coffee, tea, or a smoothie, the extra few minutes it takes to prepare your beverage of choice is extremely worth the benefits. You will thank yourself later.

2) Take a few minutes to yourself// Regroup your tired brain by sitting for 5 minutes in silence to do whatever you want. Check social media, read emails, check out new online sales, or maybe even read the news. Whatever you want to just sit and do while you wait for your coffee/tea/smoothie to start working. 

3) Organize your day// Take a few minutes to outline the assignments, appointments, and miscellaneous activities you need to accomplish for the day. This process will put you in the frame of mind to get started, and it will also help your prioritize where to begin.

4) Be grateful// A new day, a new opportunity to do something amazing. Think about something you're excited to do (even if that something is to take a nap in approximately 4 hours... Kidding. Kind of.) today! Send someone a quick text to say good morning to let them know you were thinking of them--mom, dad, grandparents, best friend, whoever.

5) Put on your lipstick and check your smile at the door// This one is pretty self explanatory.

Happy Monday, lovelies! I hope you all have had a wonderful day so far.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pretty in Ink: Confessions to Self


Just stop. Pause for a moment to step away from the list of things to do and things to perfect and things you wish you would have done differently. Stop worrying because you can't predict out the outcome of every single action or plan out exactly where you will be 10 years, 10 months, 10 days, or even 10 minutes from now. Not to say that we shouldn't maintain a set of goals and aspirations, but the future is not a promise. Life is constantly changing, whether it's because you directly made certain decisions or you indirectly found yourself in a situation. Sometimes you can come to a realization that entirely alters the path you thought you were on, and that can be scary. But guess what? It will be okay.

Lately, I've been on the verge of making a very big life change. I've realized that what I thought I wanted doesn't make me happy, and I'm not sure that it'll be worth all of the insanity and stress in the end because in the end, it's not my passion. I am absolutely terrified coming to the realization that I went from having one set course for so long, and now I kind of know what I want, but I have had absolutely no time to plan how to move forward with it. But with that token, how much worse would it be to end up resenting my decisions and wondering "what if"? 

In the wise words of a good friend, "You're neurotic, but you aren't that neurotic."

In all reality, type A people such as myself probably especially struggle with this, but no matter who you are, taking a leap of faith can be scary and uncomfortable. If your gut is telling you something though, there is probably a good reason. Do what is best for you long term, including mentally and emotionally. Take the time to evaluate payoffs. Most importantly, know yourself and love yourself. Someone else can't always call the shots for you; make your time count. It's impossible to do everything, so keep in mind what is really necessary and worthwhile.

Stay happy, stay healthy, and keep on hustlin' as always!